We wanted to take this opportunity to Thank All the Staff and Students for all your help and support over these last few months. We have only gotten this far due to all the hard work, help, and support you all have provided us with over these last few months. You have helped us to make this important public health initiative a success!!!
Our goal is to effectively and efficiently continue to safely staff this vaccination site, manage the work needed, and communicate the needs of the site as they change. As we continue to smoothly transition, together, into fall and with us administering less vaccine, and the number of appointments decreased, the process needed to be amended.
At this time with the reduction in vaccine being administered the POD staffing needs, for both the R&D POD and the Community Outreach (Pop-ups), are being met. We have temporarily modified the Google Link Sign-ups and Publishing the Schedules.
Please check back here periodically for updates going forward. We will announce any new needs and sign-ups here as things continue to develop and change.
Again Thank you for all your help and support as this endeavor continues to evolve.!!!!!
Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns about the vaccine pod staffing process.
We are still reachable at: vaccine_pod_staffing@stonybrookmedicine.edu
The Vaccine POD Staffing Team