Phone Calls & Texts FAQs

My phone is dropping calls

Look at the upper left of your screen and make sure you have good service. If it's good, try enabling WiFi calling.
1) Make sure you're connected to WiFi. Connect to SBM-Employees when onsite.
2) Go to Settings -> Phone -> WiFi Calling -> Turn on WiFi Calling on this Phone
3) Tap "Update Emergency Address" and follow the prompts
4) Press and hold the power button and "Slide to power off" the phone.
5) Press and hold the power button to turn the phone on again.

My calls are really quiet

Get a thin object like a tooth pick to clean out the speaker.
If you are still having trouble, create a ticket by going to on a computer and signing in with your UHMC.
Then, select Service Catalog > Mobile & Communication Devices > Mobile Devices > Cell Phones

My texts are being sent through my email

Go to Settings -> Messages -> Send & Receive and uncheck everything that isn't your phone number

My iMessage isn't working

Go to Settings -> Messages and turn iMessage off and back on.

I'm not getting notifications for my calls

Go to Settings -> Notifications -> Phone and make sure it's turned on.
Also, go to Settings -> Phone and make sure "Silence Unknown Callers" is turned off.

I'm not getting notifications for my texts

Go to Settings -> Notifications -> Messages and make sure it's turned on.

I can't send texts to android users

Go to Settings -> Messages and make sure "Send as SMS" is turned on.

I can't text in group chats

Go to Settings -> Messages and make sure "Group Messaging" is turned on.